Garmin Aera 560 / GDL 39 / Bare Wire Kits

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Garmin Aera 560 / GDL 39 / Bare Wire Kits

Postby Tom McNerney » Thu Dec 19, 2024 7:49 pm

I've had this stuff under my desk for a couple years, since I rebuilt Unleashed, my previous Lancair. This was actually a really great low budget panel. I had the 560 tied to the GDL 39 for traffic and free weather, but also had XM weather and radio, all connected through the bare wire kits for data and ships power. Included is an Air Gizmo panel dock, all the original Garmin accessories and manuals. I just installed a new battery in the 560 December of 24. $750 obo for everything, plus some shipping depending on where you are. Pics to follow

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Tom McNerney
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