OP-WTS: Jacks for Lancair IV

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last updatedf Oct-19-2024

OP-WTS: Jacks for Lancair IV

Postby Bob Mackey » Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:20 pm

Lancair IV jacks need to be tall enough to allow the main gear to swing down and back.
Some standard aircraft jacks are either not tall enough, or get in the way of the gear swing or gear doors. These are designed to avoid those problems while securely supporting a Lancair IV.

These are very similar to the 235/320/360 jacks also shown nearby, but scaled up, and with a much longer vertical travel.


$750 plus shipping

PS: Paul - I'll be glad to contribute a share to LancairTalk. Just say what that should be and how you want to administer it.
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Bob Mackey
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