Hello Aviators!
The STARFLIGHT Adjustable Rudder Pedals offer the ultimate in control and comfort for experimental airplanes. An easy to access crank handle adjusts the rudder pedals to the best position for each pilot, no matter their stature. Close tolerance polymer bearings provide precision movements with smooth and accurate control of the rudder and brakes.
The mechanism may be integrated in most airplanes that use cables to control the rudder and with castering nosewheels, where ground steering is by differential braking of the main wheels. New and retrofit installations are easy.
Well over a hundred STARFLIGHT Rudder Pedals have been sold with 15 years of fleet history and a perfect safety record.
We receive calls to purchase the rudder pedals every month – though, they’ve been out of stock for several years because of escalating production costs. We just received the best production quote we’ve seen in years (though still higher with the monetary inflation from reckless government spending). So, we’re checking with the community to see who wants to order now.
Click on the link to learn more about the rudder and brake control mechanism:
The pricing is $4,900 USD per mechanism/unit. We need customer commitments for at least 20 units before we can greenlight their production. Delivery will be about six weeks from the go-ahead date.
Please notify us by email at starflight@starflight.aero of a commitment for an order and how many units you need. Note, dual controls require two rudder pedal units.
Once we have a commitment for at least 20 units total, we’ll ask each customer to submit their order on the website at the link above, where payment will be required to place an order.
Best regards,